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Love to regret

starstand, 13.11.2012 22:05
Katsottu 1464 kertaa

Once I met a person. We started talking, and became friends. In a month we became the best friends. Years passed. My way to see things got wider and more braver. We were still friends. Oh, how good friends we were. Even thought we got separated sometimes, our friendship still stayed the same. Hard times started to shade my life. Family member died. Past begun to torture me. My friend was the only good thing in my life, outside my home. When she wasn’t there. Sick or somewhere else, I couldn’t go on. I couldn’t eat, I felt like committing a suicide. When she was there again, with me, I felt alive once more. months passed once more. Darkness covered the season. I started to think about love. They say, that there is the right one somewhere. I started to think about… My friend. I had imagined us together in some way. I had imagined me having my arm around her, protecting her, to prove to strangers that there is no way to harm her. Or get her away from me. Sometimes I imagined us kissing. Me pulling her closer to me and kissing her. The cruel thing was… Those were only dreams distances away from me. I went on with the truth that we were just friends. Those times passed. I only were able to call or text her. I wanted to meet her once more, but no. I couldn’t find the strength. Year passed. It was winter. I sat on my bed, watching through my room’s window and kept watching outside as the sun set and the darkness took over once more. I had to accept the way of life, that I had chosen. I had the one. The right one right next to me all those times. And I had let it pass away. The phase of love in my life was over. It was all over.



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