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The fury inside of me

sssoll, 11.05.2009 17:39
Katsottu 1244 kertaa

This isn't a poem This is the fury inside of me I'm trying to let it be free I told you everything I gave you everything You didn't care I trusted in you I supported you I was honest with you You didn't care And that word with 4 letters It wasn't never there I'd hope that you'd suffer Somebody would treat you as the air You'd die alone Screaming for the pain In your bed But I won't You don't deserve to be happy You don't deserve the air that you breath Someday, you're crying yourself in the dream Someday, you're wishing that I'd hold you, be there But I won't I'll be with somebody else Laughing for your pain As you did When you saw the tears in my face



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