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Jonesi, 12.06.2016 20:19
Katsottu 997 kertaa
I am on my way to life dont know where it takes me but the feeling is calm I have my sky full of stars and they shine bright I am in the beginning of my road but the road has not been the easiest one the road is not always straight not at all but there is always stars that shine bright There is always two sides in life it is you who have the answer just let it shine, your sun I have made my decision it is sun, shining sun. Even if the shadow of the sun comes to my road there is always stars that shine bright Every step I take in the road are making me stronger sometimes you have to be weak to be strong It is you who have the answer just let it shine Finally your weakness is becoming your strenght when the shadow of the sun disappears and you shine shine with the stars.